On our last day in Siem Reap, DH had booked a 4-hour quad tour around the Cambodian countryside. It was a very boy-thing to do, so naturally my response was “only if I get my own ATV”.

I am a strong woman, hear me roarrr! (Actually, it was my first time riding an ATV and I was scared shitless for the first hour, thinking I’d fall off at every ditch or turn. I survived. In fact, I mastered!)

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Angkor Thom

January 7, 2011


Here are few more pictures of other wonders in the greater Angkor Thom complex, which include Baphuon, Terrace of the Elephants, Prasats Suor Prat, and Terrace of Leper King.

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Temple of Bayon

January 7, 2011


The next morning we made our way back to the temples complex, and started our day with Prasat Bayon. Ohh Bayon! With 200 large stone faces smiling back at you, this temple instantly became DH’s favorite. Bayon is definitely one of the more striking and well known temples in the Angkor temples family. You can see why…

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Like most people, I too have  bucket list of things I want to see and experience in my life. Interesting things I read about in social studies books, breathtaking places I saw in magazines, exciting moments I witnessed on travel shows. This list is perpetually growing. The aged temples of Angkor Wat have long been on my list of places to experience. And I am lucky enough to say that I just crossed them off!

We arrived in Siem Reap on Monday afternoon, and immediately began our exploration with the most popular, Angkor Wat temple. Originally built for Vishnu and later converted to a Buddhist temple, Angkor Wat is the largest religious structure in the world. This temple represents the classic Khmer architecture, which has some South Indian Hindu influences. Take a look…

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Deep Fried Tarantula…yum?

January 5, 2011

Our first two nights in Phnom Penh, we wanted to make sure we started our journey with a bang (food-wise at least). Yes mom, yet another food post. We love food. Deal with it! Love you. So as with most of our food picks, we went to TripAdvisor and came to find Friends Restaurant and […]

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The Schoolhouse | Mutianyu, China

December 14, 2010

After a strenuous walk on the Great Wall we needed a sensational meal to satiate our appetites; so, we decided to stop by the well-known Schoolhouse Canteen. Located at the foot of Mutianyu, the Schoolhouse offers lodging, delicious food, a glass studio, and art classes. The business has a motto of ‘sustainable tourism’ – employing […]

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The Breathtaking Great Wall of China

December 13, 2010

It was 8:30 in the morning when we left our cozy downtown Beijing hotel to make the long, quiet drive to the model village of Mutianyu. DH and I had barely managed to lift ourselves out of the bed, clothe our dry, shivering bodies, and stuff a few bites of buttered toast in our salivating […]

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Happy Birthday, Aai!

December 9, 2010

It’s my mother’s big 5-0 today. This post is in honor of her, and her ability to put up with me and my father for 25 years. (My dad had his big 50 this past July. But since this blog didn’t exist back then, I’ll be doing one for him soon enough.) 10 Reasons Why […]

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Han Cang (Hakka Cuisine) | Beijing, China

November 27, 2010

Some pictures from a quick lunch at Han Cang, a restaurant specializing in Hakka cuisine.

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Muslim Quarters | Xi’an, China

November 26, 2010

The Muslim Quarter, located within the Xi’an City Walls, is a lively area with restaurants and street vendors selling everything from dried fruits and nuts, fresh hot snacks, to souvenir trinkets. This was a fun way to spend our evening and try some treats from local food stalls. Those with sensitive stomachs, beware of strange ingredients, […]

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